Gold League Player Eligibility
U16 Eligibility - the player must be turning 17 after March 31, 2025
U21 Eligibility - the player must be turning 22 after March 31, 2025
Platinum League Player Eligibility
Ages 14-21 (each team allowed 1 player - 4 Teams/ 10-12 Players
Payment plans are available upon request
Full payment must be completed not to be removed from the league or to be eligible for playoffs and awards
Athletes behind on payments are at risk of being removed from the league
Athletes must play in a minimum of 10 games to qualify for playoffs and league awards
Athletes with 3 or more absences will be at risk of being removed from the league
Athletes must arrive between 9:30 am and 10:00 am to be on time for 10:30 am Check-in
Athletes that arrive after the 10:30 am Check-in Deadline will be considered late
Athletes with 3 lates will be at risk of not qualifying for playoffs and league awards
Athletes with 3 or more late will be at risk of being removed from the league
League Game Play Rules:
Both Gold and Platinum leagues will be officiated by modified NCAA Rules.
Players can call time out from the floor
1 Time Out 30-sec in the 1st Half, 2 Time Outs 2nd / 1x 30sec/ 1x 60-sec (Clock does not stop for time outs and free throws until last 2 min)
Inbound to any part of the court
20 - second shot clock will be used
Modified Game Play Rules:
Five-Second Violation: The offensive team has 5 five to advance the ball past half-court.
2 x 15-minute run time halves, time stops for time outs in the last 2 minutes of play
No zone defence (two violations and a technical foul will be assessed to the bench)
No zone press defence
No screens on the ball
Mandatory subs at 5 & 10 minute mark. No player can play the entire half.
Playoffs 45min block/ 2 x 15min halves/ 2 time outs per half 1x 30sec, 1 x 60 sec/ OT is 3min + 1 additional 30sec timeouts
Players must play a minimum of 10 games in the Gold division to be eligible for playoffs
Rosters are final after February 1, 2025
New player additions for injuries, disqualifications, or roster shortage will be based on available players on the waiting list
Games general stats (pts) - Full stats before the next game
Games Recorded
Player Highlights
Player Stats
League All-Star Games
Player of the Game
Division League MVP
Division Most Improved Player
Division Best Defensive Player
Championship Team
Runner Up
5 Player All-Star Team